Rhinology Fellowship Program
The mission of our Rhinology Fellowship is to provide advanced medical and surgical training in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of rhinologic diseases, including inflammatory, neoplastic, traumatic, congenital and acquired conditions in both adults and children. This fellowship is unique in that it teaches surgical techniques and management protocols that are progressive and not typically taught in residency training. The fellow will be asked to expand their horizons and thought processes as it relates to current and future challenges in rhinology. The fellow will be exposed to numerous new technologies and concepts in an attempt to expand the current knowledge base in this field in both research and clinical practice. The fellow is credentialed as a junior staff member to foster maturation and responsibility in their professional career. They will graduate with a new set of clinical, research, and practice development skills that will provide them with the knowledge to launch a successful practice in either an academic or private setting.
Message from the Program Director
Our Rhinology Fellowship has trained more than 25 Otolaryngologists includes clinical experience in both Ohio and Massachusetts. We are one of a few programs in the country to offer multiple training positions reflecting the high case volume at our medical centers, the extensive variety of clinical conditions seen in consultation, and the robust research programs that complement the clinical experience.
The goal of the Rhinology fellowship is to provide advanced understanding and insight into abnormal physiology and pathologies of the nose and paranasal sinuses, and to provide a clinical framework with which to develop proper and effective treatment options to encompass medicine, surgery, or a combination. The clinician should complete the program with significant experience in the field of rhinology and be capable of starting a rhinologic practice from the ground floor.
Yusuf M. Gulleth, MD, MPH, FSCS, FAAOA
Program DIrector, Rhionology Fellowship.

Application Requirements
2 Year Sample Curriculum (24-months) will include rotations at Steward Trumbull Regional Medical Center (Warren, OH) and Steward St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center (Boston, MA). Clinical rotations will provide the fellow with exposure to the following areas:
Steward Trumbull Regional Medical Center (Year 1 and 2)
Rhinology in General Otolaryngology
Sleep Medicine
Steward St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center
Minimally-invasive Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Nasal Tumor Surgery
In-office Rhinologic Surgery
Sleep Apnea Surgery
Pediatric Sinonasal Surgery
Fellows Continuity Clinic will continue throughout all blocks of the fellowship.
Additional educational activities include monthly Journal Club, Morbidity and Mortality Conference, and Radiology Conference. Fellows will also attend the annual Open Rhinology Forum Conference and are expected to present their research at regional and national meetings.
The Western Reserve Health Education Internal Medicine Program operates under the standard academic calendar year from July-June.
We participate in the National Resident Match Program, and interested candidates must apply online through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). All complete applications are reviewed on an individual basis. An application is considered complete when the following information has been received:
Dean’s Letter
Medical School Transcript
Written Personal Statement
Three letters of recommendation (at least two of these should be from members of the Department of Internal Medicine at your school, affiliate, hospital or elective course, and current within the last 12 months)
United States Medical License Examination (USMLE) Scores Part I and Part II
Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) Certification (if applicable)
Selection and Appointment:
The Internal Medicine Residency Training Selection Committee reviews applications for nine (9) categorical PGY1 positions and six (6) preliminary PGY 1 positions each year. We select the most qualified candidates to interview and rank based on the following criteria:
Graduated from a U.S. or Foreign Medical School within the last two (2) years
USMLE Steps I and II (CS and CK) Passage with minimum score of 220 (Highly favored if Part III passed as well) - No failures at any level
J-1 visa sponsorship considered on a case-by-case basis.
H1B Visa Sponsoring.
Match Process:
You must register for the “Match” (NRMP), as we do not accept any applicants outside of the “Match”.